Nya, Guanacaste, Costa Rica
The Nya real estate project (“Nya” means “tree” in the indigenous Chorotega language) is now underway with earth movement and infrastructure construction on its 900-hectare property in Liberia, Guanacaste. The mixed-use project has an integrated vision of sustainability and will include homes, a Marriott Courtyard hotel, a crystalline lagoon with Crystal Lagoons technology, shops, and a free trade zone in the vicinity of Guanacaste’s international airport. Construction will take place in stages, becoming a steady source of job opportunities in its construction and operation stages.
“Nya is being developed on land that had initially been considered for the Discovery theme park. When the international corporation changed its internal strategy, the brand decided to withdraw from that initiative. The vision of creating a project to attract investment, domestic and international tourism, jobs, and economic development to the area, however, led several of us original investors, plus new and prestigious partners, to rethink the project,” said Nya CEO Manuel Freer.
Freer explained that the area’s municipal governments (Liberia, Carillo, Cañas, and Bagaces) have issued a decree of public canton and regional interest due to the positive impact the project will have on the province of Guanacaste. Nya has been created with a view to integrating it into the community where it is being developed, providing jobs and stimulating the local economy, but also generating accessibility and recreational spaces for area residents. Once vertical construction begins in the last quarter of this year, it is estimated to generate approximately 600 direct jobs.
For his part, CINDE Managing Director Jorge Sequeira stated, “Within the framework of our agreement with ICT, this project demonstrates the favorable impact foreign direct investment (FDI) has on communities as an engine for faster economic recovery, driving formal, quality job opportunities, productive chaining, and the integrated well-being of local residents. Tourism is still a key sector in our country’s economy and needs to return to its pre-pandemic numbers, when it contributed 6.2% of the GDP at the end of 2019.”
“FDI is without a doubt a vehicle for this, and we are confident that if we work together, a development such as this will help boost Guanacaste’s economy while at the same time generating spillovers at the national level,” he added.
Socios y desarrolladores de renombre
El nuevo grupo está conformado por Ciudad Nya GTE S.A. y Nya Development GTE Ltda. Las empresas que los integran y quienes son socios del proyecto Nya son: Grupo Do It, y Urban Partners como co-desarrolladores, EDICA Ltda. como contratista general, PEDREGAL será el responsable de la primera etapa de infraestructura, MultiFRIO encargado de la climatización y varios inversionistas internacionales. El grupo cuenta con décadas de experiencia en desarrollos inmobiliarios.
Three business partners with impressive track records – Gensler, DEHC, and Daniel Lacayo Arquitectos – are responsible for the master plan design, infrastructure and free trade zone design, and the preliminary design of the residential condominiums and shopping area, respectively.
¿Con qué se iniciará esta etapa?
En los últimos años, los socios han estado enfocados en el financiamiento para la creación de diseños, planos y trámites de permisos correspondientes. En esta fase, que se está iniciando con el movimiento de tierras y habilitación de servicios e infraestructura, se construirán cuatro torres residenciales, con un total de 348 unidades de condominios, cuyas dimensiones van desde los 67m2 hasta 182m2 y se estima que los primeros estén listos a finales del 2023.
También, se construirá el área comercial en esta etapa (incluye tiendas, restaurantes, entretenimiento), la primera laguna de agua cristalina con tecnología de Crystal Lagoons en Costa Rica y el centro de deportes y bienestar.
Freer also explained that they already have SETENA’s environmental viability approval for the residential and commercial areas as well as the free trade zone. In addition, they have water concessions and are operating a quarry concession on the property.
John Scheman, presidente del grupo desarrollador estima que, para el inicio del proyecto y construcción de esta fase, la inversión total ronda los $100 millones los cuales incluyen el desarrollo de infraestructura para servicios públicos, calles, diseños, planos y permisos necesarios para iniciar las obras de la primera etapa de Nya.
“With a view to consolidating our master plan vision, in Ciudad Nya we are open to new partnering, financing, and strategic partners interested in joining the project for the next stages,” explained Scheman.
Source: https://www.cinde.org